Designed by Indigenous Artist Kuberan Muir, depicting the story of a ‘sacred tree’ growing on ‘sacred land’, this 100% Cotton eye pillow is filled and scented with sustainably farmed Indian sandalwood, grown in Kununurra.
10% of the profits of the collaboration will go directly to Enterprise Partnerships WA to support the Piriwa Enterprise Hub in the first nations community of Balgo (Kimberley), helping women access education and employment opportunities at Piriwa.
The scent of Indian sandalwood is scientifically proven to calm the mind. Brimming with botanical compounds santalol-alpha and santalol-beta, these natural actives are uniquely abundant in Indian Sandalwood and classed as serotonin agonists (a.k.a bona fide mood boosters) which work to:
Alleviate stress
Promote sleep
Enhance mental clarity
Behave as aphrodisiacs
Comes with:
Kuberan Muir Eye Pillow Slip
100% cotton eye pillow filled with Indian sandalwood chips, oil and flaxseed
Read more about the collaboration here.